
Which Randomization Methods Are Used Most Frequently in Clinical Trials?

In Summer 2022, the Randomization Working Group conducted an online survey on the current practices in the application of randomization in clinical trials. Of 145 unique respondents, 137 (94.5%) identified themselves as statisticians. Full Article:

Regulatory Guidance on Randomization and the Use of Randomization Tests in Clinical Trials

Randomization is a critical aspect of the clinical trial. Regulatory guidance plays a role in clinical research. Randomization tests provide valid methodology for statistical inference. In the present paper, we intended to survey: (a) information contained in regulatory guidance on randomization; and (b) the use of randomization tests in trials supporting marketing applications. This systematic review used the Cortellis Regulatory Intelligence database (IDRAC). For (a), of n = 156 guidance documents, nine provided recommendations on randomization methods. For (b), n = 48 trials (52 submissions) employed randomization tests. 40 (83.3%) were phase III trials, 31 (64.6%) employed dynamic allocation. Randomization test was the primary in 5 (10.4%), and sensitivity analysis in 34 (70.8%) trials...

Better alternatives to permuted block randomization for clinical trials with unequal allocation

Meurer, Connor, and Glassberg published ‘Simulation of various randomization strategies for a clinical trial in sickle cell disease’, proposing a biased-coin adaptive randomization design for a trial with a small sample size of 45 and an unequal target allocation of 1:2 between placebo and active treatment, and compared it with the complete randomization and the permuted block randomization via computer simulation. The authors’ effort of seeking a better alternative to the inferior permuted block randomization is laudable, and the implementation of better randomization designs in trials is important. Full Article:

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