Throughout the year, members of the Randomization WG self-select topics to collaborate on that are consistent with our charter.
Current ongoing work packages are listed below.
Topic/Title | Status |
Randomization in the Age of Platform Trials: Unexplored Challenges and Some Potential Solutions. | Submitted for publication |
To what extent is Response Adaptive Randomization discussed in regulatory guidelines — systematic review | Submitted for publication |
Brick Tunnel Randomization Tutorial (with R packages) | Ongoing |
Review of ICH E9 guideline -> Paper to be submitted to a clinical journal rather than statistical journal | Planned |
Randomization methods for multi-arm unequal allocation | Planned |
Forced Randomization — extension of current work | Ongoing |
Randomized Withdrawal Design | Ongoing |
CARA for co-primary endpoints | Planned |
You must first become a member to join any of these topics or suggest a new one with the RWG.